• Phone: (519) 856-9093

Pre-Existing Elements Fund Study

  • Pre-Existing Elements Fund Study is an independant engineering inspection and Reserve Fund calculation for a building that is going to be converted from non-residential use.
  • As of January 1st 2018, builders and Vendors are now be able to provide Tarion backed home warranties for Condominiums created from non-residential use buildings.
  • The Pre-Existing Elements Fund Study is one of the requirements as defined in Builder Bulletin 51 necessary for Builders and Vendors to register with Tarion for home warranty of a Residential Condominium Conversion Project.
  • The Pre-Existing Elements Fund Study is required to be updated annually prior to the registration of the condominium corporation.

  • Pre-Existing Elements Fund Study overview

  • The study contains a general description of the building and planned conversion.
  • The Study also includes a list consisting of the pre-existing elements with a brief discussion of the repair history, age and service life.
  • Information is included consisting of repairs and replacements that will be made to the existing building components prior to registration.
  • The report will consist of a 45 year repair schedule derived from the Capital Replacement Plan with any expected major repairs
  • The Study will contain a calculation of the builder contributions required to fund the reserve for the pre-existing element fund broken down for each unit, the common elements and for any assets that will be owned by the condominium corporation.
  • Request for Proposal