Building Condition Assessment
Building Condition Assessments (BCA) are typically prepared for the Co-op Housing or Non-Profit Housing sectors and are most often coupled with a Reserve Fund Study (RFS).
A BCA is used to determine the current condition, estimated future replacement costs and remaining useful life of the co-op’s buildings and site components
This data is then used to determine what is required going forward from a financial standpoint for maintenance, repairs or replacement of the co-op’s interests
As part of the development of the BCA, our consultants will review the site, buildings and a portion of the interiors of the units
These reviews will allow each item that the Co-op is responsible for to be assessed and ranked in terms of priority for when it comes time to replace or repair each item
All this information is then used to prepare an RFS which allows the Co-op to plan to address the items in the future and ensure that the funds in their capital reserve fund are sufficient. Should the annual contribution be insufficient the Co-op will need to explore other options to ensure projects can be done as required
The Co-op should plan to have each of these Studies updated every three to five years to keep them current and ensure any items deteriorating more rapidly than predicted are addressed
Request for Proposal